With our self-service reporting solution you are able to run as many reports you want to, whenever you want, for whichever period you want (also for future periods).
If self-service financial reporting has been enabled for your company your company administrators can find it as the "Financial Reporting" tab on the left sidebar.
If self-service financial reporting has not been enabled for you, please reach out to your contact at Optio.
The sub-tab under Financial Reporting tab may differ depending on your setup, but if you have self-service reporting enabled you will have at least a couple of these.
On the "Reports list" page you will find a list of all reports already generated for your company, whether they are generated by your own admin or with the help of Optio's staff.
Note: The reports you see on this page are only the reports generated by the self-service report module. You can access older report deliveries that Optio has provided to you in the past by either clicking the "Looking for shared reporting files from Optio? Click Here!" or by navigating to the "Reporting files" sub-tab on the left sidebar.
To create a new report you can access the "Create report" page either by clicking the "Create report" button at the top right corner from the Reports lists screen, or by clicking on the "Create report" sub tab under the Financial Reporting tab on the left sidebar.
Make special report adjustments
After clicking on a specific report you are also able to recalculate the report with custom share prices, turnover rates, and different currencies.
You have a section at the top with the information used for the report, including the currency, turnover rate, and share price information:
To edit the information you can go to "Edit":
A new module will appear which allows you to edit the information displayed. Simply overwrite the share price, turnover rate, or currency, and press "Recalculate Report":
The report will recalculate with the updated inputs and you will find the updated share price etc. in the information displayed in the portal and in the Excel output.
If you want to return to the original setting of the report, reset the setting by clicking the reset button and confirm your choice: