Be reassured that your financial reports are verified!
What does the verification banner tell you?
Optio's self-service functionality provides you with the flexibility to create as many reports as you need, for any desired period, and as frequently as required. However, it is important to note that while you have the freedom to run reports at your convenience, certain data updates will continue to adhere to a agreed-upon delivery schedule.
The verification banner shows you when your data has been last verified by a member of the Optio Customer Success team. Optio ensures that the data in the Optio portal is verified until the specified date in the verification banner which allows you to run Optio-verified reports until that date.
How does the banner appear?
In general, the verification banner looks as shown below:
In this example, it is safe for the you to run reports for periods up to and including the 31st of March.
If you hover over the Optio logo on the left side of the banner, you can see which person that conducted the latest verification.
There is also some additional information if you hover over the ℹ️ at the end of the text of the banner.
Where does the banner appear?
The banner appears three places in the portal, and also appears in the Excel.
Create Report Page
On the "Create report" page the banner will by default display the latest system verification conducted.
If you attempt to create a report that goes beyond the verified period you will get an additional warning.
You are welcome to run reports for future periods, this is one of the benefits of self-service reporting as you can use the tool for simplified forecasting, however, doing so would mean that the Optio verification “stamp” does not apply. You can cross-out this warning, but it will still persist in the actual report once created.
Reports List
On the "Reports list" page the banner will by default display the latest system verification conducted.
Report Details
On the "Report details" pages (i.e. the report output) the banner will display what the verification banner was displayed at the time the report was generated.
If you have generated a report for a period which is unverified, a warning will be displayed on the page. This warning indicates that the report you are about to create is not verified by the Optio team.
You can cross-out this warning on the "Report details" page, however, it will still persist in the actual report once downloaded.
Excel Download
In the Excel download of the report, the verification banner displays the verification status at the time the report was generated as part of the Overview tab.
If you have generated a report for an unverified period at the time of its creation, the warning of the report being unverified will also be displayed in the Excel.